General Information

The Dangers of Secondhand Smoke and Your Cat

It's a bad habit that's hard to break. But we think you'd find it easier to quit if you knew what secondhand smoke was doing to your cat.

Why Do Dogs Howl?

Whether it be at the moon or for more food, dogs love to howl. But have you ever wonder why dogs howl? Let's look into this question.

The 5 Stimulating Spawning Methods of Fish

The spawning habits of aquarium fish are fascinating. When it comes to reproducing, fish fall into one of these five spawning types.

Cute But Deadly: The Truth About Fish Bowls

They may be compact and stylish, but there's nothing cute about fish bowls. Small space and toxic water conditions are just a few of things wrong with them.

Top 10 Friendliest Cat Breeds

Cats are lovable pets - just ask a cat lover! If you want a friend for life, check out our list of the top 10 friendliest cat breeds.

Feline Pregnancy: How To Care For A Pregnant Cat

Your kitty is going to be a mama! But do you know what to do to ensure your cat gets exactly what she needs during her feline pregnancy?

One Man’s Brave Quest to Ensure No Poo is Left Behind

In an effort to save shoes nationwide, Chad Logan is going cross country to spread the word. He wants you to scoop and pick up your dog's poop!

Gen Y Dogma: The Unexpected Costs Of Being An Urban Pet Parent

Living in a bustling urban center can have its advantages. But it also comes with a host of costly extras you may have never had suspected… especially…

Study: Declawing Cats Has Long-Term Impact on Behavior

New research shows that elective declaw surgeries increase the risk of long-term pain in cats, which can mean increased risks of cats behaving badly.

Here’s What You Should Know About Feline Pica

There's nothing wrong if your cat likes to chew on some grass, but if she's been eating some weird stuff, she may have Feline Pica.

Is Your Cat Losing Teeth? Here’s Why

Should you be alarmed if you cat is losing teeth? Let's talk about why this happens and what you should do.

Why Do Cats Sit in Squares?

Cats can sometimes display strange behavior. One of those is their fondness for sitting in squares. Why are they drawn to sit in this shape?

“Giving Shelter” Art Exhibit Combines Creativity and Condos for Ho

Architects for Animals displayed its acclaimed 'Giving Shelter' exhibit recently, displaying unique outdoor dwellings for homeless cats.

Watts Going On With Your Aquarium Lighting?

Aquarium lighting is more than just watts per gallon. When you're setting up lighting for your tank, be sure to keep these important factors in mind.

Nanny Rats and Orphaned Cats Break Ages-Old Stereotypes

A New York cat rescue is breaking species stereotypes by 'employing' the most unlikely of nannies for their tiniest kittens.

Colorful Tips for Starting a Nano Reef Tank

Amazing things come in smaller packages. If you live in a smaller space and you're a coral enthusiast, set up a nano reef tank.

5 Common Mistakes Made by Reef Keepers

When you're starting out, the smartest thing to do is learn from others' mistakes. Minimize your reef keeping boo-boos and take some advice from the pros.

Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?

Our cats live the good life - they sleep until they're ready to eat or demand your attention. But why do cats sleep much of their day away?

Feline Health: Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

Don't write off your cat's unusual behavior as a cry for attention - it could be a cry for help! These symptoms could signal a serious health problem.

5 Cat Hacks to Understand and Treat Cat Hairballs

The sound, the aftermath, the cleanup - cat hairballs are not fun. To minimize the mess, we've put together a few cat hacks that'll help.

Senior Cat Health Problems: How to Keep Your Senior Cat Active

Part of getting older is slowing down. The same goes for our felines. Take control of your senior cat health problems by keeping her active.

Give Your Furball A Curfew With Hi-Tech Pet Door

The primary function remains the same- keeping furry intruders out- but the improved smart door flap has a few cool new features that are worth the upgrade.

Top 3 Substrates to Use in Planted Aquariums

The key to the perfect planted tank is to get the balance between fish and plant needs just right. The solution is finding the ideal type of substrate.

Locals Outraged After Loitering Cat Banned From His Favorite Store

A convenience store in Bournemouth, England, has learned that banning a loved local cat may not have been the best business decision!

Best Electronic Cat Toys

Too busy to play with your cat? Not to worry - these electronic cat toys keep your feline happy and entertain while you're not around.�

Why I Think Aquarium Rock Collecting Rocks!

Are you into hard rock? Not the music... the kind you put in your aquarium! Here's what you need to know before adding rocks to your tank.

Shahs Of Sunset Feline Parody Is The Cat’s Meow [Video]

Our favorite Persian (Americans) are back, and the trailer for their sixth season is one that shows how the fur will fly...literally.

Top 5 Fall Deals Your Pet Will Flip For

Fall is here, and with it, the deals on great pet products start coming in. It’s an awesome cycle–leaves fall, prices drop and our pets rake in the benefits. Here are the top five deals for pets we’ve found.

Man Fakes Death, Cat Overcome by Mehs [Videos]

Most cats seem to have no f#$%s to give when it comes to emotion for their humans. But one man set out to prove that his death wouldn't bother his cat.

How to Introduce Your Cat to a New Dog

Fighting like cats and dogs - an old cliché that doesn't have to hold true. Here's how cats and dogs can become the best of friends.

Hypoallergenic Cats – Do They Really Exist?

Tired of sniffling and sneezing, but love cats? You've heard rumors about hypoallergenic cats... but are these types of kitties fact or fiction?

Best Cat Blankets

If you’re a cat parent, you already know how much kitties love snuggling into a warm blanket. Most cats of all ages will gladly spend time on or under a blanket for warmth, security, and comfort. That’s why there are a lot of cat blankets available these days. These products are designed for pet parents who want to give their feline companions their own soft blanket to use daily. And they can be a great way to enrich your pet’s environment while keeping your furniture in good condition.

VP Pence’s Family Pays Touching Tribute to Beloved Family Cat

Sadly, Pickle the Cat has passed away, though you may know her better as one of Vice President Mike Pence's family pets. RIP Pickle.

Understanding Asthma In Cats

This human affliction can also leave your cat short of breath - and it's a serious health risk. here's what you need to know about asthma in cats.

The Importance of Environmental Enrichment for Cats

Felines benefit from some environmental enrichment in their lives. Just a few added touches to your living spaces keep your cat happy and well behaved.

ASPCA Partners With Maddie’s Fund to Support the “Million Cat Chal

It may be a big number, but saving the lives of one million cats is possible - and you can help. The ASPCA has a plan that will save lives!

Why the Litter-Robot III Is the Last Litter Box You’ll Need

It's time to introduce your cat to the next generation of kitty litter - meet the Litter-Robot III! It's a robotic cat litter box that cleans itself.

Do Dogs Like Halloween Costumes?

If you love getting dressed up for the Halloween season, then you may be considering including your dog in the festivities. But do dogs like Halloween costumes?

How to Transition Your Cat to New Food

Cats are known as being picky eaters. If you want to switch your feline to a new food, we've got some tricks to get picky cats to convert.

Study Reveals That Cats Really Don’t Need Us

A recent study says that we need cats more than they need us (*Sniff!). Don't worry - at least our dogs will always turn to us for the basic necessities.

Study Says Watching Cat Videos Boosts Energy, Positive Emotions [Video

I wish I worked at the Indiana University Study, so I could get paid to watch awesome cat videos and be happy all day. Science is pretty cool!

Remember Pets That Have Passed Away on Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

August 28th is Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day, a day to remember those beloved pets that have passed away and the happy times you spent together.

Feral Cats Chase Rats in Urban Areas to Earn Their Keep

Feral cats' instinctive prey skills are being put to use in new programs that use them to help urban areas rid themselves of rat problems.

What Is Feline Whisker Fatigue?

Who knew that whiskers could get so tired? It's true, and whisker fatigue could be causing your cat some serious stress around mealtimes.

Gen Y Dogma: My Dog-Inspired Resolutions For 2015

Should old resolutions be forgot… Christina Peden has made some new ones. What’s different this year – they all have something to do with…

PetSafe Drinkwell Butterfly Water Fountain

Designed to not only rehydrate your smaller pet but actually entice him to drink more water throughout the day, the PetSafe Drinkwell Butterfly Water Fountai…

How Do Dogs Show Affection?

Dogs have no shortage of ways to tell you that they care. So how do dogs show affection? Here are a few of the most common forms of doggy devotion.

5 Ways to Keep Your Cat Cool This Summer

Your cat feels the summer heat and needs relief from rising temperatures. Ensure your kitty doesn't overheat with these tips to keep her cool this summer.

Day 4: The Office Is Safe From Lynx And Convertibles

Oscar saves the office from a vicious stuffed Lynx attack, hangs out with AutoGuide editors and struts his stuff during his 4th day in PetGuide's offices.

The Best Aquarium Gravel Cleaners

You may not think much about it, but the gravel at the bottom of your tank needs certain care. Here are our picks for the best aquarium gravel cleaners.

How to Teach Your Kids to Care for Their Cat

Having a pet offers a multitude of benefits for children. Teach your kids how to care for their cat properly to ensure a loving relationship.

Best Cannister Filters for Large Aquariums

To ensure your fish are happy and healthy, water quality needs to be optimal. The best way to do that is with a high-quality canister filter.

Gen Y Dogma: Top 5 Christmas Etsy Picks For The Urban Pet

She’s made a list and has checked it twice – here’s what Christina is getting her mostly nice (but a little naughty) pets this Christmas. I…

Top 8 Kid-Friendly Cat Breeds

Thinking about adding a pet to the family? Always ready for a play day and willing to lend a furry ear to listen, a cat can be your child's best friend!

How A Furry Thief Gobbled Our Thanksgiving Turkey And Started A New Tr

The “tail” of how a hungry Golden Retriever’s appetite for turkey brought about a new holiday custom Thanksgiving – otherwise known a…

Best Aquarium Lights

Lights� cameras� action! Put a spotlight on your tank with the right lighting. Here are our picks for the best aquarium lights.

Best Aquarium Kits for Beginners

You want to get an aquarium, but you don't know where to start. Not to worry - we've compiled a list of the best aquarium kits for beginners.

Best Sponge Filters for Aquariums

Sponge filters provide mechanical filtration and, over time, may provide biological filtration as well.

Planned Parenthood Uses Pussycats For New Sex Education Videos [Video]

A series of sex-ed videos from Planned Parenthood are using the cutest, furriest pussies they could find to educate viewers on certain body parts.

5 Interesting Facts About Tabby Cats

One of the most popular kinds of cat, the Tabby is a fascinating feline. But we bet you didn't know these facts about tabby cats.